Wednesday, January 9, 2013

RE:TAIMES warmly invite you to attend D Pes digital printer & Signage Expo 2013


My dear friend,TAIMES will attend D Pes digital printer &Signage EXPo 2013
and we warmly welcome you to visit TAIMES booth,pls kindly let me know if you have planned
to visit the sign fair in Feb,2013.TAIMES booth info:
Venue:D Pes digital printer &Signage EXPo 2013 Guangzhou,China
Date: 25,Feb,2013~28th,Feb,2013
Address:Poly World Trade Expo,Guangzhou
TAIMES Booth No.:C19
Booth Area:252 sqm 
TAIMES T8 high efficiency &atmospheric printer installed with 8  print heads of KM1024 will
be shown in the fair,I think this is the printer you are looking for.Also TAIMES T100 will be displayed ,printing 300sqm/h.
Pls kindly let me know your schedule to the fair,if any need about air tickets,hotel ,invitation letter,just contact me.My contact below:
Name:Ruth Wu
Thanks for all your attention,wish you have a good health and business do big and big^_^
              Taimes booth design in 2013 Sign fair




Best Wishes!

Ruth Wu
Printer,We Know Better,We do Better...
Office: 7F, Building A4-02, International Creative Valley, No.99 Kexue Avenue,
Luogang District, Guangzhou City, 510633,China
Factory:No:1, Tiantai 1st Rd,Luogang District, Guangzhou City, 510633,China
TEL: +86-20-32096760 / 32096761 
FAX: +86-20-32096759 Mobile:+86-18620842486
Web: (English) (España)
E-mail: ;
MSN : ;Skype: lolymarketing
Support: MSN/E-mail:  (Ms Ann Yang)
Looking for Global Distributor for TAIMES Digital Printer.

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